Front Sight Membership Give Away

Front Sight Membership Give Away


In May, I decided to give away a Patriot Lifetime Membership to Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.  On July 2nd & 3rd, when I was at Front Sight for a 2 night defensive handgun class, I decided I wanted to do an even bigger giveaway!  Around 11:30 PM on July 3rd, all the students attending a class at Front Sight was gathered in the classroom, where an amazing gift from Dr. Ignatius Piazza, the founder of Front Sight,  was presented.  He was able to gather original signatures of all 56 patriots who signed the Declaration of Independence.  He put that, with their picture and a copy of the Declaration of Independence.  This will be proudly displayed at Front Sight.  The men who signed this document pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in the cause of liberty and freedom.  Because of their bravery, our country was established, with its God Inspired Constitution. Part of this is the 2nd Amendment, which guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms.  I want to help protect this right by helping my friends and family and others gain valuable training.  The training provided here is amazing!  So, I am going to give away an amazing membership.

July 2013 Declaration of Independence

For those who aren’t familiar with it, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute is located about 45 minutes outside of Las Vegas and is the largest firearms training school in the country. Front Sight trains about 1,000 students everyday.  In fact, Front Sight trains more students per week than the 2nd largest school of does in an entire year! They offer over 50 different classes, in handgun, shotgun, rifle, machine gun, edged weapons, empty hand (martial arts), rope and repealing, and more.  They offer great classes for kids as well.  (my 7-year old will be attending his 2nd course, and my 5-year old his 1st course, when we go in late September).  Front Sight also has plans to offer driving school classes.

The Patriot Membership (which has a retail value of $4,900) that I gave away in May allowed the winner to attend six classes as many times as he want, free of charge, for the rest of your life. This time, I’m giving away an Ambassador Membership!  This is the highest level membership that Front Sight offers and has a retail value of $25,000.  You read that correctly, it has a retail value of twenty-five thousand dollars.  I am giving it away free!  The winner is able to attend any Front Sight class at Front Sight Nevada, Front Sight Alaska, and any future Front Sight facility built at no cost!  If a new class is offered, you can take it!  If a new location is built, you can use it!

Why am I doing this?  Front Sight’s mission is to positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetime.  I want to help do this.  If someone is is progun/pro 2nd amendment and they attend Front Sight, they will come away with an even deeper appreciation for firearms and much better gun handling skills.  If someone is antigun/anti 2nd amendment and they attend Front Sight with an open mind, they will leave much more gun friendly.  And they will know how to properly use their weapon.  I believe every gun owner should take a class at Front Sight, or a similar type of school.

Here I am standing just outside the 550 acre Front Sight campus.Michael at Front Sight - July 2013

To enter, post below and tell me why you should win.  Each comment is worth one entry.  If you refer someone to post, and they mention your name in the comments, you will get an additional entry.  If you comment elsewhere on my blog where I break down the 2nd Amendment, explaining each part of it, you will get an additional entry.  Contest ends Wednesday, July 31st.  Good luck!

Still not sure if you want to enter?  Watch this short 3 1/2 minute video that shows the facilities and some of the training.


Fine print: The winner will have to pay a $100.00 membership transfer fee directly to Front Sight. Each calendar year that you take a class, Front Sight requires a $50.00 background check fee. No purchase necessary.  Winner can not already be a Lifetime Member of Front Sight.  Front Sight Management, LLC is not a sponsor of this giveaway.

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  1. My aunt Patty referred me to this blog and told me about this training. I live in Arizona, near Las Vegas, and have a career in law enforcement. I am an avid gun collector/owner. I own several firearms from handguns to assault rifles. I use these weapons for recreation, hunting, and home defense. I am strong believer of the 2nd ammendment and the right to bare arms. I believe that all families should have firearms to protect themselves and their property. I am very interested in this training and I feel that it would broaden my knowledge of proper technique and gun skills. I have also read on the site that being an ambassador member, one is allowed to host training classes in one’s own town. With my passion of firearms, this would fulfill one of my life goals to assist and help educate the community around me, in firearm education. Thank you for offering an opportunity such as this.

  2. I would like to once again put forward my name for consideration. I would love to be able to train there. It would be neat to be able to see the display you spoke of, particularly as my 6th great grandfather is one of the signers.

  3. I’m entering for my husband =) is that allowed? He got his CCW and really would like some more training across the board. Plus being able to test out a lot of different handguns would make deciding which one to buy a bit easier. I think he would love this and I would too, once I have time to focus on other stuff. Thanks Mike!

  4. Mike, I’m already a life member, so don’t put me in the running.
    Just wanted to take a moment to mention that I’ve been to Front Sight 10 times now (and will be attending my 11th course in November of this year), all on a membership bought in 2006.
    You are the man, for making this level of training available to someone who might not otherwise be able to afford it.

  5. I would love to win a Front Sight membership. I bought a Glock and really want to go to the training. As a nurse I work night shifts a lot in the downtown area of Houston so I need to be able to protect myself coming & going in the middle of the night to work. Please also enter my brother in the drawing – Aaron Butler.

    thank you!

  6. My friend Aurie Jenkins shared this and I am so glad she did. My husband is in the Air Force, EOD and I would love to be able to learn how to not only defend myself but my boys as well when my husband is away fighting for us. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

  7. I need to learn to be able to defend myself and my family. I know how awesome Front Sight is. Best place I know of to learn!

  8. My sister Laura Butler and mom Arlene Butler told me about your free membership drawing. I have been to Front Sight once and loved it. I am currently serving in the U.S. Air Force at Eglin AFB and would love to have a membership. Thank you for your generosity.

  9. This would be grat we live in Las Vegas and my wife and I are both disabled. Anything that helps us be more prepared is a help.

  10. My husband Ed Hall referred me. We live in Las Vegas so this is close. My husband and our friends Tom and Kris Chaves introduced my to guns a few years ago and my husband bought me a 9mm pistol last year but I really want to learn more so I know what I am doing.

  11. Firearms are a sign of civilized society and the best last action in self-defense. I have a family and while we do not feel insecure, there are times when I feel I am not doing enough. We do a lot of driving on long and lonely highways, so how do we protect ourselves if the car breaks down? But perhaps I am mainly worried about those times, when I have to do travel for business and be away from home for weeks or even a month. It just feels awful to leave my wife alone knowing she has no appropriate protection.

    I do not have a firearm and I want to buy one but not without proper training. Having a firearm is no good, if you do not know how to operate it properly. Should I win this, I would not only become an expert with firearms but I would get proper training for my wife, too.

  12. i have been a gun owner and constitution supporter for many, many years and i am a member of nagr. seven years ago i suffered a stroke that left me with a disability on my left side and a lot of uncertainty about my capabilities in shooting a gun. i have even called front sight and they said they can help people with disabilities become more proficient in their shooting skills. but the same circumstances have curtailed my income generating abilities and there is no way i can afford to go to front sight and improve my shooting skills. my broker, i do part time work in real estate, even offered me the opportunity to buy part of a package from him, but again after paying expenses each month there is no way i could afford it. i have been aware of front sight for a long time, i used to work for a home builder in pahrump and had people who worked there talk to us about building them a home, and believe it to be the cream of the crop and would feel very lucky to attend some day.

  13. Strong believer in the 2nd amendment. I could really use this training. Thanks for the great offer!

  14. As a soon to be father, I have recently been giving a lot of thought to purchasing a handgun. The wife has yet to come around. The safety of my family is of the utmost importance to me and I want to exercise my right to bear arms before it’s too late! In speaking to the wife, she has loosened her stance if I agree to take safety classes and properly learn how to use this new responsibility. I’m looking really forward to the challenge and privilege and Front Sight is clearly the place to help me along this path.

  15. I have been trying to get the money together for a Front Line membership for a while. Wold LOVE to be able to take those classes and enjoy the range there.

  16. I would love to win this membership. I am slowly becoming more proficient with firearms. I would love to be able to better defend my family against threats, and I believe strongly in the right to self defense.

  17. I would love a Front Sight membership. I have been once and loved it! Right now I am newly married and in school so this would be awesome to have as I am a gun enthusiast but won’t be able to afford to go again for a very long time. Thank you for doing this!

  18. I recently purchased my first handgun and while I have gotten my CCW, I know I need more training to be able to be better prepared to defend my family should the need arise. I would like to train on various firearms to feel more comfortable and maybe someday participate in local competitions. Thanks for the Chance – Front Sight has a great reputation and it would be awesome to do training there!

  19. Our friend Ed Hall referred me to your giveaway. I have known about Front Sight for years, ever since I got into Law Enforcement as an armed security guard, but have never been able to attend a class because of the cost. My husband is disabled, plus he recently was diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis, so I’m his primary care-giver. So between working as many hours as I can, taking care of the house, pets, and taking care of my husband’s personal and medical needs, I would really like to do something for myself. Especially since my employer isn’t able to provide any adequate training, I’d love to be able to take some classes from Fromt Sight so I can defend myself if and when the need arises. Everyday when I go to work, I’m worried something might happen and I won’t be able to defend myself, and there wouldn’t be anyone around to take care of my husband. Therefore I’m really hoping to win this membership, not only for myself, but also for my husband along with everyone whose property I protect.

  20. I am writing this in response to my friend Edward Hal and my wife Kristina Chavez.. I may not be a founding father of Front Sight, but I believe in the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution and the right to own and shoot not only handguns, including rifles as well. I also don’t believe that anyone who has served their country should have any additional restrictions. I take shooting very seriously, as anyone should. I have also helped our neighbors, and around friends homes. Staying abreast to current conditions, and keeping watch so that friends and family will protected.

    Thomas E..Chavez

    I would hope that I would be the winner of a Front Sight class(s) would help me to become not only a better shot, and will allow me to learn the skill sets required to better protect my home, neighborhood and friends.

  21. I would love to have a membership! I have been to Front Sight several times and it was great training.

  22. I would love a lifetime membership because I strongly believe in my right to bear arms. I with this I believe everyone should have thee best training and safety classes to protect themselfs the community and your family. With taking the courses I could learn different techniques in performing in different stressfull situations.

  23. I love your posts Mike! I wish that more people would read them! We’ve taken our boys shooting a lot but I would LOVE better training for them. I can shoot, but there’s always room for improvement!

    I think that it’s an absolute travesty that our country has fallen so far from what our Constitution once stood for….

  24. We own several guns and I would love to learn how to safely use them especially for when my husband is deployed. I am always worried about the safety of my family, especially during those times and i feel like it would give me a better piece of mind knowing tgat i have had proper training. our neighbors joke that my family is “dooms day prepers” because we have so many physical preparations in places. i would love to know that i am actually prepared in my mind in case the time comes where I have to defend my family.

  25. We own several guns and I would love to know how to better use them to better defend my family. my husband is in the military so I would love to know how to better defend my family when he is away. I would love to have the piece of mind knowing that I’ve been properly change on how to defend my family and the proper use of gun safety. Our Neighbors Joke that we are doomsday prepers because we have so many physical preparations.I would love to know that in my mind I have the correct preparations for defense of my family.

  26. Sorry for two comments. It told me my first one didn’t work do I did it again. Gah!!! Now there are two. Delete one please. Sorry again.

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