It's done

The Nellis Manor & Sierra Ranch Wards Emergency Preparedness Fair is finished.  Between work, school, Church, and family, most of my extra time was spend working on this fair; thus the lack of posting for nearly a month.

I created a CD with a bunch of resources.  This CD had many of the things found on the Emergency Preparedness & Family Home Storage page, plus much, much, much more.  I never really finished it; I more abandoned it and burned it as it was.  I’ve already found new things that I wish I had put on it.  I guess there is always next year.  Oh, one of the presenters wants to sell the Resource CD in her store.  And, at Church yesterday, the Bishop told everyone that he wants them to actually study the information on the CD, not just take it and put it on a shelf somewhere.  He said that when they are talking to the Lord and they tell Him they didn’t know anything about preparedness, He (the Lord) will show them the CD and tell them they should have! 🙂 

All is going well here at Mike’s World Newsand at the CoxFam.  Did you guys miss my updates?

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  1. Mike,

    Where can I get a copy of the CD? I would like one somehow. And how are things going otherwise, I have been out of the “blogging scene” for awhile.


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