Is the Clark County Republican Party really that desperate?

Is the Clark County Republican Party really that desperate?

As many of my readers will know, I was a delegate to the Clark County GOP Convention.  Since that time, with my unhappiness with the state of the Republican Party (and especially the disaster known as McCain 2008), I’ve started supporting Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin.  However, I am still (at least for the time being) a registered Republican.  I still receive e-mails from the Clark County Republican Party.  I would guess I get about 1 e-mail a day, on average.  Recently, that has gone up, especially with presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain coming into town next week.  They keep sending out e-mails asking for volunteers.  It appears that they are getting desperate for volunteers.  Today, out of the blue, they called me and asked if I would volunteer.  I told them that I wasn’t interested in John McCain and wasn’t planning on voting for him.  Before I could say anything else, they said okay and hung up.  I wanted to tell them that if I was faced with a  socialist or an almost socialist, why not make the hidden 3rd choice of someone else.  I wanted to tell them that I love the inspired Constitution and I will not be volunteering for someone who is going to trample it under their feet.  I wanted to tell them that I believe the Declaration of Independence when it said that “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life” even if John McCain doesn’t.  And the Democrats are just as bad or worse, on everything important to me.

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  1. It is standard for them to call registered party members to get volunteer, just like many candidates do. I don’t think that qualifies as desperate.

  2. Well, you don’t really know that people aren’t volunteering. I have a feeling that they are just trying to get as many people there at once as possible. I get the e-mails too, and just delete them.

    I’ve got to tell you, Mike, you seem very bitter lately about anything Republican. I mean, I don’t like McCain, and I don’t like some of the things the party as a whole does, but I just don’t feel the bitterness it seems like you have.

  3. It’s true, I don’t know that they aren’t volunteering. I guess its just a gut instinct. I talk to a lot of people and no one that I’ve talked are excited about him. People who are planning on voting for him are really just voting against Barack Obama.

    I’m not bitter about anything Republican. I’m only bitter against RINOs and others who are trying to destroy the conservative movement. And since John McCain is the current standard bearer of the Repubican Party, the Republican Party is starting to look more and more like John McCain. As a result, I’m getting more and more bitter against the Republican Party. I haven’t changed my voter registration yet, although, as you know, there has been several times when I’ve been close.

    Also, it bothers me when both the Republican and Democratic Parties list on their official website which candiates for NONPARTISAN offices are members of their party. I believe that it should be illegal under state law (NRS 293.0675 “Nonpartisan office” defined. “Nonpartisan office” means an elected office for which a political party may not nominate a candidate. & NRS 293.195 Nonpartisan offices. 1. Judicial offices, school offices, the office of county sheriff, the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada, city and town officers, the State Board of Education and members of boards of hospital trustees of public hospitals are hereby designated nonpartisan offices. 2. No words designating the party affiliation of a candidate for nonpartisan offices may be printed upon the ballot.)

    Any office that has a good, strong, social conservative and a good, strong fiscal conservative running, that’s who I’ll vote for. It just seems like that isn’t usually the Republican party right now. Don’t get me wrong, the Democratic party is long gone, but we don’t need a Socialist Party and Socialist Party-lite. I’ve said it before that the Democrats in our country has basically become Socialists and the Republicans have basically become Democrats.

    Even if the Republicans were running good, strong conservatives, I would have been bitter over what the Nevada Republican Party did with their state convention. As you know, that was the straw that almost broke the camels back for me. If I had seen someone within a couple of days of that who were registering people to vote, I would have updated my voter registration and changed my party affiliate from Republican to Independent American (Constitution party). I am still pretty angry about that and perhaps that is what is causing the bitterness that you are sensing from me.

  4. It’s true, I don’t know that they aren’t volunteering. I guess its just a gut instinct. I talk to a lot of people and no one that I’ve talked are excited about him. People who are planning on voting for him are really just voting against Barack Obama.

    I’m not bitter about anything Republican. I’m only bitter against RINOs and others who are trying to destroy the conservative movement. And since John McCain is the current standard bearer of the Repubican Party, the Republican Party is starting to look more and more like John McCain. As a result, I’m getting more and more bitter against the Republican Party. I haven’t changed my voter registration yet, although, as you know, there has been several times when I’ve been close.

    Also, it bothers me when both the Republican and Democratic Parties list on their official website which candiates for NONPARTISAN offices are members of their party. I believe that it should be illegal under state law (NRS 293.0675 “Nonpartisan office” defined. “Nonpartisan office” means an elected office for which a political party may not nominate a candidate. & NRS 293.195 Nonpartisan offices. 1. Judicial offices, school offices, the office of county sheriff, the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada, city and town officers, the State Board of Education and members of boards of hospital trustees of public hospitals are hereby designated nonpartisan offices. 2. No words designating the party affiliation of a candidate for nonpartisan offices may be printed upon the ballot.)

    Any office that has a good, strong, social conservative and a good, strong fiscal conservative running, that’s who I’ll vote for. It just seems like that isn’t usually the Republican party right now. Don’t get me wrong, the Democratic party is long gone, but we don’t need a Socialist Party and Socialist Party-lite. I’ve said it before that the Democrats in our country has basically become Socialists and the Republicans have basically become Democrats.

    Even if the Republicans were running good, strong conservatives, I would have been bitter over what the Nevada Republican Party did with their state convention. As you know, that was the straw that almost broke the camels back for me. If I had seen someone within a couple of days of that who were registering people to vote, I would have updated my voter registration and changed my party affiliate from Republican to Independent American (Constitution party). I am still pretty angry about that and perhaps that is what is causing the bitterness that you are sensing from me.

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