A Vote for McCain is…

A Vote for McCain is…

a Vote for McCain.

Many Republicans (myself included) find themselves at odd as to who to vote for, especially for President.  The reason that, I believe, many hold their noses and vote for the GOP candidate is Judicial appointments.  I was reading a great article about this.  Here is a sample quote:

“The threat of a Supreme Court of David Souters is ironically
what keeps conservatives voting Republican even
when Republicans appoint David Souters.

It is a great read.  Check it out at Takimag.com

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A Vote for McCain is…

a Vote for McCain.

Many Republicans (myself included) find themselves at odd as to who to vote for, especially for President.  The reason that, I believe, many hold their noses and vote for the GOP candidate is Judicial appointments.  I was reading a great article about this.  Here is a sample quote:

“The threat of a Supreme Court of David Souters is ironically
what keeps conservatives voting Republican even
when Republicans appoint David Souters.

It is a great read.  Check it out at Takimag.com

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