Chuck Baldwin for President?

Chuck Baldwin for President?

I’ve posted a little bit about the Constitution Party, a 3rd party.  A few days ago, they had their National Convention in Kansas City, and has nominated Chuck Baldwin as their Presidential candidate, with Darrell Castle as his running mate.  Now comes the challenge of studying their records and stance on issues.  I like a lot of what he says he’d do as President.  As my regular readers will know, I’ve been a registered Republican my entire life.  However, the Republicans are getting to liberal for my liking.  As the current subtitle to my blog says, I am the Sin City Conservative.  Note that did not say the Sin City Republican.  I have voted for Republicans, a few Democrats, and a few 3rd party candidates.  I do not just look to see if there is a “R” or a “D” (or any other letter for that matter) next to their name when I vote.  I try to study the issues.  I hope that who ever I chose to vote for in November is the best candidate for to be the President of this, the great country on earth!

Chuck Baldwin links

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  1. I agree with you quite a bit there. I don’t really vote just because they are a Republican. I vote for whoever has the beliefs that I have, and who I feel is the “best” conservative.

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Chuck Baldwin for President?

I’ve posted a little bit about the Constitution Party, a 3rd party.  A few days ago, they had their National Convention in Kansas City, and has nominated Chuck Baldwin as their Presidential candidate, with Darrell Castle as his running mate.  Now comes the challenge of studying their records and stance on issues.  I like a lot of what he says he’d do as President.  As my regular readers will know, I’ve been a registered Republican my entire life.  However, the Republicans are getting to liberal for my liking.  As the current subtitle to my blog says, I am the Sin City Conservative.  Note that did not say the Sin City Republican.  I have voted for Republicans, a few Democrats, and a few 3rd party candidates.  I do not just look to see if there is a “R” or a “D” (or any other letter for that matter) next to their name when I vote.  I try to study the issues.  I hope that who ever I chose to vote for in November is the best candidate for to be the President of this, the great country on earth!

Chuck Baldwin links

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  1. I agree with you quite a bit there. I don’t really vote just because they are a Republican. I vote for whoever has the beliefs that I have, and who I feel is the “best” conservative.

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