Primary 6 Lesson 1 – Heavenly Father’s Plan for Us

Primary 6 Lesson 1 – Heavenly Father’s Plan for Us

I am continuing 2018 serving as the Valiant 10B teacher in my local LDS Ward (Congregation). I am teaching 5 boys and 3 girls who are 10 (and turning 11 this year) about the Old Testament.

This weeks lesson (lesson 1) is titled “Heavenly Father’s Plan for Us”. It helps us understand our purpose on the earth and answers that age old question of “who am I” and “why am I here”.

The lesson text is available on the webpage. I like to use incorporate other sources to help, including “Short Attention Span Sunday School“.

I often to use a Slide Deck (created on iOS’s Keynote) to display wirelessly onto a TV in the classroom. Here is [download#53#nohits] for anyone interested. I saved it in PDF format, but if someone wants it a different version, let me know, and I can send it to them.


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