Potluck & Politics

Potluck & Politics

Tonight we had our Potluck & Politics for the 2008 General Election.  This is atleast the 3rd one we’ve done.  We’ve always done it with friends from high school.  This time, we also opened it up to some friends from our ward.  All of my friends from High School were unable to come tonight, and, as a result, will be having a separate one next weekend, which I will be unable to attend.  Mikey loved it tonight, because he had 3 kids come over and play with him.  He loves it when other kids come over.

We had a very good time.  We got through all the ballot questions and a couple of the judges and a few other offices.  Of course, I’m voting for Chuck Baldwin for President.  One couple who came is planning on voting for Barack Obama.  The other two couples are leaning for John McCain, even though they didn’t really like him or agree with him.  I think I might have convinced those two couples to study Chuck Baldwin.  Amanda asked me why I was planning on voting for Chuck Baldwin.  My first thought was “It is really difficult to explain 5 months of research in a 3 minute time frame, never the less, I tried.  I told them about life issues, 2nd Amendment, and other issues.  I also gave each of them a pocket Constitution and told them this was the bottom line reason why I was voting for him.

I will work on my general election guide and will post it this coming week, which will take into account what we discussed tonight.

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  1. We had a really good informative time at the potluck and politics. It was good to learn some more information about other candidates besides the popular ones. It is also interesting how the less the candidate owes, the more he or she can have values. I appreciate the time you spent in putting this together!

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