I recently had someone e-mail me asking how to put fraud alert on their credit reports. I posted about credit report fraud alerts a liitle over a year ago, but I figured that it was worth repeating again.
You can put fraud alert on your credit report by calling Equifax Automated Fraud & Active Duty Alert at 1-888-766-0008. This will be a 90-day fraud alert on your account. You can also file out a fraud alert online with Experian at www.experian.com/initialfraudreport or with Equifax online at www.fraudalerts.equifax.com. When you fill out a fraud report with one of the credit reporting companies (Equifax, Experian, or Transunion), they are required to forward the information to the other two who will put a fraud alert on the credit report that they keep on you.
Hopefully, this information won’t have to be used by any of my readers, but if you need it, I hope that this help.