Top 10 things that Mitt would do once elected President

Top 10 things that Mitt would do once elected President

Tom Welch posted “Top 10 things that Mitt would do once elected President” on his website.
They are:
10. Change the income tax to be 10% of your annual increase.
9. Make green Jello with carrots and funeral potatoes the national meal.
8. Replace Coke with caffeine free Coke in the White House vending machines.
7. Have a prayer at the start of each cabinet meeting.
6. Serve milk at the inauguration ball.
5. Address Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as Sister Pelosi.
4. Bare his testimony during the inauguration.
3. Host a youth conference at Camp David.
2. Take off a week each summer to go with the scouts.And the number 1 thing that Mitt would do once elected President is…

1. Invite the missionaries to all “state dinners”.

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